Ewa Sonnet Love

Dame Hellen Mirren in Escada
I am actually lost of words. This woman you see here — looking all kinds of bloody amazing in drop dead gorgeous red — is 67 years old. If I were to ever pray, it would be for one thing and one thing alone — that I should look something like Dame Helen Mirren when I grow up. Seriously. Takes my breath away. Plus there is always that twinkle in her eye.
The dress is sheer magnificence of course, Lady H can't take all the credit. It is by Escada, and featured incredible jewellery by David Webb. I seldom look at jewellery, but this lot made me stare. Amazing. And I love the sleek hair tuck too. It is so modern and unexpected for a lady of a certain age.
It wasn't the first time that Lady H chose to wear Escada. She selected a periwinkle blue jersey dress and coat for the ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. That her star is bang outside the Pig and Whistle pub is, I think, both appropriate and a joy for everyone. I would have a drink with this old broad in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you?
Idle Talk: