Ewa Sonnet Love

Michelle Obama in Jason Wu for 2013 Inauguration Ball
And so kicks off a day reflecting on the fashion from the US Presidential Inauguration 2013. We start at the end, because it is the most dazzling of a string of superb outfit choices by, amongst others, Mrs O. Although she wasn't the only one, let it be said. Michelle Obama chose Jason Wu (again) as the designer of her inauguration ball gown. This is remarkable since it allows us to think back a mere four years when Jason Wu wasn't a name any of us in the fashion business had even considered. Now look at him and what he has done. This spectacular red chiffon and velvet dress being one of the obvious highlights.
I love the design for Mrs O. It allows her amazing arms to be on show, fits in at the waist and it drapes beautifully down to the ground. Accentuating her assets. Disguising her figure flaws, such as they are. It is a bold statement of a dress, but not one that screeches unpleasantly, rather it announces itself proudly, and perfectly suits the wearer. Oh what a night.
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