I attended the launch for Bjorn Borg underwear last week. Available at Stuttafords, I can tell you that the range is fun, bright, bold and comfortable. You can get knickers and socks for you and your guy. And that the colours are vibrant and striking.
Also that I really, really, really like the socks. I want a pair of these socks. Please.
The range is obviously from Sweden, where the great tennis player comes from. And the advertising is all a bit cool and irreverent. None of which hurts when it comes to selling knickers to a market that has loads to choose from. But if you are keen on trying something new and interesting, this would be the range to try.
The fash-folks at the launch were dressed in two key trends: tropical and black and white. That's pretty much it. That's what everyone is wearing right now. Except it turns out, me. I was off-trend in a pretty ballerina blouse with a peter pan collar. That's the way I roll.