Seriously. Just when you thought you couldn't love Jennifer Lawrence more for her realness and talent and humour and likability, she goes and does this. Looks extraordinarily beautiful in her first published campaign for Dior.
They cleverly released it the day before the Oscars — I assume banking on the fact that she would win. Good gamble, folks at Dior. It paid off. She is the name on everyone's lips right now.
The campaign was shot for Dior by Willy Vanderperre and cleverly combines Dior garments with Miss Dior handbags and a range of Dior cosmetics. Even more clever folks at Dior.
So really, in essence, this campaign not only shows the lovely goodies from the brand, how utterly stunning J-Law can look, but it also celebrates how very smart the Dior marketing people are. They chose Jennifer in the first place. It may have seemed contrary at the time. But it is all coming together now, all starting to make sense. So very good.