Ewa Sonnet Love

WIN with WOOLWORTHS — And Help Get Sizing Right
Look, I am a bit of a fit-nazi. You will often hear me bleating on about the fit of dresses on celebs on the red carpets. And if they get the fit right, there is very little to criticise usually. Get the fit wrong — and it can be the nicest dress in the world but it will look rubbish. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I have teamed up with Woolworths on their new fit project.
Surely you are like me, every time you go into a store you have to try on a few sizes because you are not entirely sure which one works in which store? Well, Woolies are trying to fix that for you. And if you pop into Durban Gateway of Shopping this weekend, you can get electronically scanned for your ideal Woolies sizes — and help them work on their standardisation scheme. Oh, that's not all. You could also win a R2,000 gift voucher and an hour of personal styling with me on Sunday. For shizzle.
Next weekend (1/2 March) I will be in the Sandton store for the whole weekend of styling services. And the weekend after that (9 March) I will be in Canal Walk. Even if you don't win the prize, please come and say hi and let's get our picture taken together. Ok yay. See you there. Good luck.
For more on the project and all my thoughts on style, fit and fashion you can go to the Woolies Blog.
Idle Talk: