Ewa Sonnet Love

Anne Hathaway's Style Ups and Downs at Rio 2 Premier
The cast of Rio 2 headed for Miami this weekend for the premier and press junket for the movie sequel. Anne Hathaway voiced one of the characters and had a few outfits lined up for the shenanigans. And if I am honest I pretty much love this Roksanda Ilincic dress that she wore for the premier itself. Hate the shoes of course — you can't expect Annie to actually accessorise correctly — but the dress is fantastic.
Anne wore a selection of white trouser looks for the photocalls and press conference activities. I think that this one with the broderie anglaise blouse is very pretty but obviously the silver Louboutins were a problem and had to be removed.
This is a more challenging version of the look and involves some white dungarees. Again, I like the look but hate the shoes. But at least they stayed on her feet this time, which is a little more dignified.
And then there was this. Obviously Annie was struggling with her hair in the Maimi heat. And it looked a bit off most of the time. But this is the WORST. The cute Osman outfit is incidental in this look because of the weird corn-row-inspired situation atop her head. And then she got what she deserved. For shizzle. Good parrot.
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