Ewa Sonnet Love

Mariah Carey in Alexander McQueen on American Idol
Catch American Idol on your TVs on Sunday to see Mariah Carey WORK this Alexander McQueen Resort maxi dress. Now far be it for me to condone Mariah wearing flesh-exposing garments, but I just want to point out that this dress really fits her properly. And that makes all the difference.
The black and gold print is of course, completely on-trend. She looks much more comfortable in it too — I assume it allows for a standing ovation or two, should she need to give one out. And so I think it works. It is hard for me to approve of Mariah and her outfits. But this one gets extra point from me because of this...
Look — she can actually sit on the floor with her two babies in it!! As she did when she got home from work, in time to tuck them into bed. Everybody say 'ahhhhh'.
Although, jislaaik, those heels are HIGH.
Idle Talk: