Sarah Jessica Parker Promotes Shoe Line in 90s Style
For those of you who were babes in the late 80s and early 90s — and you haven't watched The Carrie Diaries which brings it all back to me — you won't realise that of late Sarah Jessica Parker has been quietly reviving the style of that era as she goes about promoting her shoe line.
The big hair. The layered dress over long-sleeve bodysuits (all from Wolford). The strange layered necklaces. The lace. All combined together make for an uncanny revisit of the not-exactly-best-dressed time of my university years. I remember this use of stockings as sleeves. And it's not a great memory.
I'm not sure what her intention is. I think that she is spoiling the lovely soft pink Valentino dress, the hot pink Saint Laurent and the white Dolce and Gabbana. But SJP is supposed to be a style icon so what do I know? Maybe this is the next big thing (again). What do you guys think?