Ewa Sonnet Love

Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann at David Bowie Exhibit
Tilda Swinton spoke at the opening of the David Bowie Exhibit in London on Wednesday evening. She referred to him as being like family, her cousin. Which of course is delightful and silly, and therefore unexpected from the fierceness that is The Swinton.
Someone on Twitter described her as being understated and sweet at the event. And her icy demeanour — that we LOVE — is just a perception from those who don't know her.
For the event she wore her favourite designer, Haider Ackermann. This was a mash up of looks from his Fall 2013 collection, and was as ever, completely perfect for Tilda. Although I would have hemmed those trousers by another half inch. If I were to nit-pick.
Tilda and Bowie are now forever enmeshed in my mind, as one. Which must be a bit startling for her boyfriend, Sandro Kopp. Which could of course be his excuse for wearing a purple velvet suit for the occasion. Just saying. Cut him some slack. I still think he looks pretty sexy.
PS: this is the only way to get away with pink frosted lipstick. Don't try it at home.
Idle Talk: