Florence Welch Covers UK Harpers Bazaar, July 2012
Every single time someone asks me what fashion magazines I read, I start with UK Harpers Bazaar. It is without doubt the most beautiful and unpretentious of all the ones you can get your paws on here in SA. After that I do to different places, but it starts with UK Harpers. And so it pleases me a great deal that the new issue is covered by music powerhouse, Florence Welch, of Florence and the Machine.
Florence was shot by Camilla Akrans and styled in what looks like Valentino as she celebrates being British and the whole Jubilee fandango.
I was endeared to her even more to her when I heard that during the royal wedding she wore a crown and watched with her mum and sister and screamed at the telly, "kiss her again!" That is my kind of girl.