Ewa Sonnet Love

Charlize Theron Meets Jacob Zuma in Black and White
Ah, the levels of sub-text we could attribute to this sartorial choice. I wish I was still a student so I could lose myself in hyper-analytical discourse on the nature of this selection. But I am an old lady who understands that mostly we just wear something we like and that we feel is comfortable and appropriate. So what is appropriate for a movie star to wear when meeting the president? Apparently an on-trend black and white blouse and a pair of black trousers. As Charlize Theron did yesterday to meet South African President Jacob Zuma.
In town as an ambassador of the United Nations Program on AIDS, onse Charlize wants to do all that she can to help in raising awareness and contributing where she can to usher in an AIDS-free generation in South Africa. This is very worthy. And we applaud Charls' efforts to give back to her home country — yes, she still referes to 'returning home' and wanting to lend her support. Good girl.
But mostly all I can think about is how well her hair is growing back. After shaving it off for her Mad Max movie role, she has really powered through the 'growing it out' phase and seems to be getting more and more elegant with the short hair. I do hope she decides to keep it short for a while as I am really enjoying it. And yes, I know it is very shallow to talk about her hair and outfit when she is doing good work, but that's what this blog is about, so....
Idle Talk: