Jaime was at a function yesterday where her quite advanced bump was artfully carried in a gorgeous floral sheath of a dress — by Lovers + Friends — and a pair of super awesome white brogues that I would kill for. She combined comfort and style and sexiness all in one killer outfit.

This made me go and have a look at some of the other outfits she has worn since the bump has started showing. And came across these four knock outs. Not one of them hides the bump, but they all incorporate it so cleverly that there is no break from her usual immaculate lines. Also, she looks SO PRETTY. Just look at her in that electric blue and black Versus outfit. And the multicoloured Peter Pilotto with the tulip hem is also pretty killer.

Jaime's off duty style has revolved around her trips to the gym of late, as she readies for the final stretch. But at the beginning of the pregnancy, she pulled off some super cool jacket and coat looks that I am very envious of.

But my all-time favourite look from a pregnant Jaime King is this one. Pretty. All the hard edges softened. Bump on display. Nothing but joy. I love it. Do you?