Ewa Sonnet Love

MBFWCT13: Tart
When I saw that the Tart show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Cape Town was called Love Letters and Broken Promises, I was prepared for a show that drew on the emotions a bit. What we got was a full-on visceral progression of how we experience relationships of all kinds. It was really very well done. Better than all our expectations.
Part of the joy of it was the emergence of the most amazing prints, based on the traditional beadwork of Zulu Love Letters. Not only were these vibrant, incredibly on-trend and flattering, but they were also able to tell the story without being too literal. They spoke for the designer. And told an age-old tale that we can all relate to.
And that's what I find so compelling about the work of the Tart designer, Cari Stephenson. We can all relate to the story and the garments. We feel comfortable about them and in them. What the fashion front row has been asking from this designer is progression and evolution. And that is exactly what they got. Excitement in the form of those amazing prints, and a real progression toward sports-luxe sophistication in terms of fit and drape of the garments. This was very pleasing to see. Especially in that amazing series of jumpsuits at the end, first in print and then in black with the heart chain work. That kind of took our breath away and got the front row nod of approval. *nods again*
All photos courtesy of SDR Photo
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