Or does she? This is the message I got from my friend who shall not be named last night as I was sitting, minding my own business, watching the telly. Subject line: Yay! Message: Kate Bosworth has cellulite. Look here. And the link to this picture. And I have to admit I looked. For a few seconds. Before, having not seen any cellulite at all, I got distracted by that amazing bag — Mulberry I believe.
In fact I j'dore the entire outfit. That blouse especially. Way to do coral and beige silk guys. Take notes Country Road. We want this one. And the boots. Always interesting to see Kate's shoes as they are almost always a precursor to what is HOT. And what we will all be wearing within the year. Anyway, I can't see any cellulite, which of course we all secretly wish we could. But maybe I am wrong. Can you spot it? Could it possibly be true? Let me know...