Ewa Sonnet Love

Die Antwoord Front Row at Alexander Wang In Mask and Grill
For the second year in a row, unlikely South African zef music superstars, Die Andwoord, sat front row at Alexander Wang's show at New York Fashion Week. Last year, Yo-Landi was entirely bedecked in gold. Not this year. No. This year she was much more subdued. In a mesh mask, heavy eye make-up and a finger-gun to the head. As you do. Ninja kept it together in streamlined black. And a gold grill. Also absolutely normal.
Later they played the after party where they stirred up shit by flashing images of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as scored wife in the whole tawdry affair mess, Liberty Ross, walked into the party. She had walked the A-Wang show earlier. Just a normal day then for the Cape Town music act. I can't wait to see them live as they open for RHCP next year. It's the only reason I'm going... Hilarious.
Idle Talk: