Do you remember model Jodie Kidd? 15 years ago she was a six-foot rake of a teenage girl, who epitomised the late nineties but lost herself in the modelling world, and found herself playing polo for her country and speeding cars around a track. Her time on Top Gear shocked many as she was the fastest celebrity driver in series 2. Well, Jodie is back. I nearly choked when I saw this incredible picture of her from a London Fashion Week event last night, all amazing in a Preen dress and Jimmy Choo shoes.
Jodie had attended the Tom Ford show the night before, dressed by the man himself, and photographed with him at the dinner. Clearly she is in with the big boys as she relaunches her modelling career, having recently signed with Next Models in London.
Her sister, Jemma Kidd, was also at the function last night and looked amazing in another dress from the last extraordinary Antonio Berardi collection. These Kidd girls are getting better with age. I am looking forward to seeing more of them. Are you?