Oh dear me. I need a little lie down after seeing this lot. It wasn't bad enough that Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas forgot her pants and wore this dreadful double breasted blazer (with gold buttons) to an event the other day. By the way it is designed by Balmain. I love Balmain. But this is yet another lesson in not buying everything from a designer label, simply because it is a label. Or pop a pair of leather leggings underneath, you know.
But, then dear sweet Kanye-influenced Kim Kardashian went and did it as well. On the very next night. And so, SO much worse. Like it could GET worse! First she took the top off and awkwardly pinned the neck so it didn't fall open. Then she thought she would buy some black cankles and add them to make her legs look shorter. And then she went and got it all so crumpled. Seriously? Hiding your beautiful body shape under a jacket and then forgetting to add another item of clothing, except some ankle restraints seems like the very worst of all the fashion crimes she has committed of late. I feel an intervention is desperately needed. Soon. Please.