Ewa Sonnet Love

Kate Bosworth in Dior for Big Sur in Big Sur
Confusing. To clear it up, Kate Bosworth is starring in a new movie called Big Sur. It was directed by her new husband, Michael Polish. It was shot near Big Sur. The premier this week was in Big Sur. And this is what Kate wore. It is Dior.
I like this dress from some angles — and definitely in a cropped photo. It removes her dreadful shoes and unprepared pins. I love the open back with bow that makes it work from the front too. I am not crazy about the colour on her. But her lip colour and incredible prettiness brings it all to life. So it turns out I am as confused about how I feel about this dress as much as I was about the name/place of the movie. So over to you. What do you think? Yay or nay for the Dior?
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