Ewa Sonnet Love

SA Designer Jane Sews — New Collection SS12
I have the great pleasure of being exposed of the very best of SA fashion design. I get to go to all the fashion weeks, I am invited to all the graduate shows and I spend enough time in the stores and boutiques to come across those in between. It is after all my job to do so. And every so often I come across a designer I simply haven't heard of before. This happened probably about a year ago when I stumbled across Jane Sews in the Mungo and Jemima store on Cape Town's Long Street.
Since then I have become a bit of a fan. In as much as I have yet to meet the elusive Amy Venter who is the designer of the label, but like the clothes. While I was still working at 36Boutiques, I begged the buyers to get the label for the site, but it has yet to work out. And I know that Amy appears to move between Durban and Johannesburg, so I am not quite sure where she is currently settled.
But I WILL track her down one day and hopefully get to know her a bit better. In the mean while I was delighted to come across photos of her summer collection on her friend's site, Lucky Pony yesterday. And so I thought I would nick the images and show them to you too. Just in case you find her first!
What I like about the collection is the very on-trend current-ness of the aesthetic. It wouldn't look out of place on a rail in the Oxford Street Topshop store. And yet it is not so try-hard that it alienates ordinary people just looking for a pretty top. That's a delicate balance to achieve and I think she does it.
I also like the fact that it appears to be evolving, incorporating new trends and maturing a bit as she goes along into the high summer season.
Finally, I like the swimsuit. It is just wonderful. Anyway you can befriend the label yourself if you go to the Jane Sews Facebook Page. 
Photography: Justin Dallas
Art Direction: Adele Schmitz
Beauty: Adelle Jung-Scheepers
Model: Anke Jamaica Nel
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