Ewa Sonnet Love
Then there was my girl Emily Blunt. who I have somewhat gushed about recently. I adore her and I am DEFINITELY inviting to fashion fantasy book club unless anyone has any objections. She is wearing Michael Kors. With cut outs. And lace. And those winning floral plum earrings that make the whole outfit make sense. This couldn't be any further from fishtails and strapless if it tried. Yay!
There were three other ladies who I also adored. Dame Helen Mirren in Badgley Mishka is a stunner. Sexy, flattering, appropriate — did I as sexy as hell — I mean women half her age wouldn't be able to carry this dress off like she does. I am IN AWE. Julianne Moore is also slightly older. In Tom Ford she delivers a masterclass in looking fierce. And incredible. And sexy. And then there is sex-in-a-dress by Salma Hayek. That should be her fragrance name. I usually can't stand her. I can't explain why, just don't like the cut of her jib. Until now. This is amazing. Even if it is strapless. Which was your favourite? Let me know.