As far as I am concerned, this is the best new digital magazine of the year. Ja, I know the year has only just begun, but I want you to know that I am genuinely and honestly impressed with this digi-mag. It is called Renascence and it has been conceived and edited by Renaissance Man, blogger Monde Mtsi.
It has been billed as the first South African Men's Fashion Magazine. This is not technically true, but it is such a jolly fine effort that I am going to overlook that.
The mag is super-easy to browse with absolutely no technical or layout issues that have beset some of the other digital magazines of late. It starts off with some easy shopper pages, then some lovely short, sharp profiles on wonderfully interesting players in the SA men's wear market.
After that, it goes into a string of varied and interesting fashion editorials. The pace is great. The diversity means there is something for everyone. And it is not too uptight to appeal to a fashion-interested but not obsessed South African man. Perfect. Also it has some GREAT Dax Martin swimwear featured, which makes me work-happy too!