Ewa Sonnet Love

Red Hot Chili Peppers Cape Town Style
I am going to keep this short. I went to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert last night at Green Point Stadium. I have seen RHCP before in London. The CT gig was many, many multiples of steps better than that. There was some raw energy and emotion in the CT show that eclipsed the 347th show that they played in London over the three decades of their career. If we are to believe Flea — and I think we must — he gets us. He loves us. And he feels our love. Go Flea.
And go he did. On his hands across the entire stage. Other highlights included:
1. Old man six packs aplenty
2. Josh Klighoffer's flowing locks in the wind making EVERYTHING he did utterly epic
3. Josh Kinghoffer's Adidas track pants
4. The entire white population of CT singing along to Under the Bridge
5. Chad Smith — or gramps — in his overalls
6. Anthony Kiedis' handlebar moustache
7. Flea's Ninja haircut
8. Singing giveitawaygiveitawaygiveitawaynow live with the band.
Let me just say that trucker caps are utterly revolting in every way, except when worn by a member of the RHCP. That is all. As you were. Carry on.
Idle Talk: