Ewa Sonnet Love

Design Indaba: Love SA Buy SA from Mungo and Jemima

One of the best stands at this year's Design Indaba Expo was by Mungo and Jemima. It was beautifully designed in wood paneling and allowed a selection of the designers that stock their stores to showcase their work at the Expo, without having to go it alone. It was fun to go into too. It was crammed full of cool fashion, and the designers were on-hand to talk you through it all. Lovely.
But even more lovely than that, was the commitment from team Mungo and Jemima — Marion and Kirsty — to supporting the local fashion industry. Launching this video at the stand, they are passionate about emphasising the employment opportunities that are created by buying local. You buy something — you carve out a real actual job for someone. Who can then go on to feed and support their family. That's a tangible difference that you can make while shopping. After a few of the factories that they used closed down in the past year, they felt it important to remind the public that loving your country means buying from your country wherever possible. No one is suggesting that you forego Zara and Topshop for a few pieces here and there. But make sure you also do your bit to keep jobs in the country, in the city. You can watch the video here, or go and check it out on www.lovesabuysa.co.za
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