I have veered between castigating Mariah Carey for looking ridiculous in her ill-advised outfits, that are usually too small for her a suitable for someone a fews sizes smaller than her — and ignoring them. Mostly I ignore her outfits. It's too much. But look at this right here.
This beautiful print coat — Michael Kors I believe — looks stylish and elegant on Mariah. Can we go so far as to say, Mariah looks fabulous? I believe we can and it fills me with joy. Because, as with JLo before her, I have come to love her on American Idol. LOVE her. She is sensible and kind and fair in her critique. She doesn't say anything too nasty, but always stays on the right side of honest. She is sincere in her support and has a pretty good eye for the handsome chaps. She is adorable!
Of course later that same day, she squeezes herself into a black bandage dress and pops a biker jacket on top. She would do that. And I think to myself, well at least her bosom isn't going to fall out of than one. Something that has become a rather too-frequent fear.
And while I am still never going to listen to a Mariah song willingly, I have come to appreciate the lady. And I will even more if she would just dress like up top there, rather than all of this down here. Right?