This is not the first time that Halle Berry has been standing there having her picture taken and heard the loud 'toot, toot' of the Sharon Stone Express heading at speed toward her. It starts with Dolce & Gabbana. A great, sexy brand that makes lace and leopard print look sublime. And that Halle is about as beautiful a woman as you could ever hope to be in your wildest dreams. Which means that she thinks she can wear anything. Or nothing as is sometimes the case. Sadly. Cracking body. Great dress. Beautiful woman. But somehow all they add up to is DESPERATELY CLINGING TO MY YOUTH. Which is not a good look on anyone. Stop it Halle. You could do SO MUCH BETTER. Bloody hell, she has frustrated me to Kanye levels. Look, there is a simple rule, you never do short, tight and shiny all at the same time. The same applies to cleavage, tight and shiny. In leopard print. With lace. Over 40. I think that narrows it down. Good chat. As you were.