Ewa Sonnet Love

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire — It's a Fashion Movie
No one can tell me that The Hunger Games films are not fashion movies. I mean in the first one, Lenny Kravitz played the role of stylist — how awesome — and so much emphasis was placed on costume and design. There was even a dress of fire. Amazing. So I am pretty excited about he second film to come out. And yesterday a flurry of stills from the new movie hit the interwebs. Including this one featuring Effie Trinket — played by Elizabeth Banks - in an amazing couture Alexander McQueen dress. Of butterflies of course.
Also, the big fashion story from the film is Katniss' wedding dress. It was first thought to be another McQueen, but we soon found out that it was designed by Tex Saverio, based in Jakarta. Amazing, don't you think?
Idle Talk: