Ewa Sonnet Love

Lena Dunham Covers UK Marie Claire, October 2013
We give dear Lena Dunham so much grief about her style. We do it with full respect for her incredible and precocious talent when it comes to writing, acting, directing, producing the hit series Girls. I mean, she is just a shining light of her time. But without a clue when it comes to dressing herself.
But she looks sensational on the cover of the October 2013 issue of the UK version of Marie Claire magazine, as she tweeted about last night. She is wearing a custom Erdem dress on the cover, made to fit and suit her figure. Even Lena was amazed that someone got it right.
The smokey eye is gorgeous on Lena. As is the florals and fur. I really am going to go out on a limb and say this is the best she has ever looked. Don't you think?
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