Now Dirk, you know I love you. Also, you know that I know that you have to work with the sponsors product. But here's the thing. You are not doing the girls any favours. You need to get yourself a girl assistant. Someone who knows about women's undergarments. Why and how they work. How they can help with the clothes. Also, how women's clothes fit women's (who are not models) bodies. None of these clothes FIT the girls. And therefore don't FLATTER them. If their boobs aren't being squashed, they are hanging out under the arm pits and their waists are being cinched in with wide plastic belts from another decade. This can not be comfortable, nor can it be conducive to singing particularly well, surely. Also, what is with the sheer tights? When last did a girl from 2012 wear tights with a pattern down the front? Especially when she has a brilliant tattoo underneath it. And a tucked-in vest? I don't understand. No wonder people wanted Chloe off. They didn't want another week of 90s tights. Sigh. Sorry.
The guys are getting a much better style deal. The only thing I would say here is that Simphiwe needs to pull his pants up — no one wants to see his underpants please. And I love Khaya. LOVE. May need him to win. I mean. Dancing in September. Love it.