Victoria Beckham Covers Vogue Australia in Louis Vuitton
One of the many reasons why I adore my mate Victoria Beckham is that she is funny and can seamlessly switch from fierce uber-fashion bitch, to best mate and mum in a jiffy. I mean she is amazing on the cover of Vogue Australia for their September issue. And looks incredible in that Louis Vuitton dress she wore to Wimbledon — presumably having snatched it off this shoot.
Inside she speaks of how nervous she was when she first showed her collection — gabbling away to some Japanese fashion editors despite the fact they couldn't understand a word of what she was saying. She also talks about how knackered she is in the evenings, having to get four kids fed and into bed and that she is good for nothing more than a face pack after all that. She calls herself normal. Which of course is her absolute charm. Even though she is almost richer than the queen, she is still normal.
I mean check out her hanging on the beach with her bestie, Tana Ramsey, as all their kids played in the sands. It's not like they are in the Bahamas or anything. Just in some shorts and sandals on some scabby public beach trying to tire out their myriad of kids so that the bedtime rigmarole will go smoothly. You see. Normal. Love it.