And even better, she did it just like we would. Here's the thing about Joanne. She is often in Zara on the red carpet. She doesn't force herself to borrow from design houses, or employ a stylist, or shell out a fortune. No. She has bought herself two classic pairs of Louboutins in nude and black. Then she pops off to Zara or Topshop, just like us, and picks up something there — like this ADORABLE pink floral skirt and sleeveless blouse — and wears it to her photo calls and portrait events. Done.

Joanne is in Venice this week promoting her new movie Still Life. The red dress is also Topshop, and for a while there, I am quite sure no one knew what to make of it all as they didn't recognise it from any runway show. Turns out it was never on a runway. It was on the high street. Still I prefer the pink number, and it has inspired me to stay in the pink for the rest of today on the blog. So pretty. Yay Joanne. Love her even more now.