HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco — Is This The Worst She Has Ever Looked?
Andrew Benge/Getty Images Europe
What the bloody hell is going on with this outfit, hm? I seriously have no words to describe my horror when I saw these images of Her Serene Highness, Princess Charlene of Monaco, and of course South Africa's very own royal. I am flummoxed.
Andrew Benge/Getty Images Europe
Let's unpack it. There is a gigantic a-line maxi skirt in linen — the stiffest of all fabrics. Thereby creating a beige tent on her lower half. Charlene has combined this small dwelling of a fashion piece with a twin set. Ok. Except that this twin set is also beige. And baggy. It fitted the fat lady of the circus, baggy. What the what?
Andrew Benge/Getty Images Europe
At least Charlene looked happy with her husband as they handed over a bus to a school. But seriously, man. Can I help? Please?