Is Monica Bellucci The Most Beautiful Woman Alive?
Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images Europe
You must have these conversations with your mates. You know the ones where you argue over who you think is the epitome of beauty. And someone always says Sophia Loren. Someone else says either Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn and we remind them that they are no longer alive. And I always, always say Monica Bellucci. This lady you see here. Actress and Dolce & Gabbana model.
Jemal Countess/Getty Images North America
Monica is nearly fifty years old and these photos were taken in the past two weeks. Seriously hot, right? Not only does she have curves for days, but she has the face that just seems to get better with age. Where once it was wanton, now it is illuminating and sensual. So. Here is my argument. I think that Monica Bellucci is the most beautiful (famous) woman alive. What say you? Any advances?