Ewa Sonnet Love

HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco in Ralph Lauren
There is a reason why onse Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco (and Benoni) looks so incredibly regal in this photograph. And it is not just because she is wearing a stunning shade of royal purple. Although that definitely helps.
It is not even that she is wearing Ralph Lauren, even though that is the label that most American princesses wear. Although it too helps a lot. Because the fit is magnificent.
No, to my mind, the reason why our erstwhile SA swimming sensation and now Princess is looking so regal is that she is starting to really embrace it. There has been a new confidence about her of late. Certainly in the last three months. And it makes her long, lean carriage even more elegant. It makes us believe she is a Princess. Maybe she has started to believe too.
Also, her hair is now perfect. Not too short, not too long, not too middle-aged housewife. Just the perfect blend of what works for her and a princess-y style. Happy. She looks GREAT.
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