Ewa Sonnet Love

The Cast of Revenge in a Tyler Shields Shoot
Do you guys know who Tyler Shields is? He is the LA photographer who does those sketchy photo shoots with Lindsay Lohan with knives and blood and guns and stuff. He is also the guy who shot that incredible series of pictures with Heather Morris from Glee focused on domestic violence. It is safe to say that Tyler Shields likes showing the underbelly, the seedy, side of celebrity. And his latest target was the cast of the new hit TV show, Revenge.
I don't like a gun, myself. I don't find it provocative, I find it gratuitous. So I was ready to hate these pics. Lots of guns. But I was properly conflicted. Because I love the show. And the cast. Especially Nolan, played by actor and former model Gabriel Mann. And just ch-ch-check out his impressive abs. I know. This is shallow. Especially when I don't like the gun vibes.
But this one is hot. Nolan and Declan helping Charlotte (Christa B Allen) out of her dress. Very helpful boys...
And the star, Emily VanCamp uses her dancer body to the max to create this amazing shadow image. Although I am not big on daggers either. Better than guns though. For the full selection of images, guns and all, go to Tyler's site here. Enjoy.
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