Ewa Sonnet Love
I don't like a gun, myself. I don't find it provocative, I find it gratuitous. So I was ready to hate these pics. Lots of guns. But I was properly conflicted. Because I love the show. And the cast. Especially Nolan, played by actor and former model Gabriel Mann. And just ch-ch-check out his impressive abs. I know. This is shallow. Especially when I don't like the gun vibes.
But this one is hot. Nolan and Declan helping Charlotte (Christa B Allen) out of her dress. Very helpful boys...
And the star, Emily VanCamp uses her dancer body to the max to create this amazing shadow image. Although I am not big on daggers either. Better than guns though. For the full selection of images, guns and all, go to Tyler's site here. Enjoy.