I have a small favour to ask of you. If any of you are in London or are planning to be these in the next few weeks, please can you pop along to Somerset House for me and take in this exhibition. If you would like to get the catalogue for me, I'm not going to complain. Because this is an exhibition that I can't even begin to imagine that I am going to miss. Tim Walker is one of the most exciting and creative of all the fashion photographers in the world.
It is almost as if Tim Walker has taken every fantasy fairy story and every macabre horror and combined them into his consciousness and played them out across his work.
When you read up on his work, you discover that he forms these incredibly loyal relationships with his models like Stella Tennant, Lily Cole, Kate Moss and of course an obvious muse, the glorious Tilda Swinton.
This exhibition, housed at Somerset House, the home of London Fashion Week, features his photographs as well as a selection of the amazing props that he commissioned for his work. Like the gigantic doll who features in the image with Lindsey Wixson.
Anyway, if you can just get along there for me and tell me all about it, it would really help. I would be incredibly grateful. Thanks.