Ewa Sonnet Love

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Africa 2013: Mille Collines
At Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Africa last year I really enjoyed my first view of what Rwandan designers Mille Collines had to offer, and I wrote about it here on StyleGuide. When they approached me to work with them this year, I agreed with alacrity. I couldn't wait to see what was next. I tell you this as I want you to know that, while I worked my arse off to do great PR for them, I didn't actually see the collection until it hit the runway last week.
And what a joy it was to see. Influenced by the north African ancient Tuareg tribe, the collection was a sophisticated travel through easy fit, layered looks that spoke so eloquently of a type of world explorer who is intelligent, relaxed, interested in high-end finish and style, but also a bit quirky and cool.
This design team may originally be for Barcelona and the US, but they have lived in Rwanda for some years after falling in love with the country. Their representation of an African aesthetic is the only loud statement in an otherwise subtle collection of absolute beauty. I mean there is no mistaking this as an African expression — the colours of the sands and sea and sky being completely evident. And the layering too is bourne from the way in which ancient people protected themselves from the harsh desert elements. But the silhouettes were all European. All this season. All fashion.
This collection saw a few new developments. First of all there was a full men's casual wear selection. It was so refreshing to see men's wear on the runway that didn't include suiting. It was a seamless continuation of what they have been producing for women. Perfectly matched. And the other new element was the prints. Gorgeous prints that gave depth and dimension to both fabrics and the incredible range of accessories that support this collection.
Every piece of their production and manufacturing is done on this continent. All their stores are in Rwanda and Kenya — and soon to be in South Africa. This is an African fashion brand, taking identifiable, relatable African fashion up to an international standard and audience. This is the real deal. I can't wait till you can all shop the collection. You are going to love it.
Idle Talk: