Ewa Sonnet Love

2013 British Fashion Awards: Sienna Miller in Emerald Burberry
What an arresting colour Sienna Miller wore to last night's 2013 British Fashion Awards, held in central London. Emerald silk is always going to be eye-catching — see Atonement — but did it work? This dress caused much debate.
Look, the fit around the bodice doesn't work at all, but Sienna kind of rocks that vibe. She can carry off something that is a bit losey-goosey, if you know what I mean. And it is Burberry. The creases down the front also should bother me, but don't really. And her hair is a mess. But that's is a kind of magic for her.
No, the only reason I may not like this ensemble is only because the necklace is foul. I really hate it. But for the rest, Sienna can do no wrong in my eyes. Especially when she drags her man, the delectable Tom Sturridge out to play too. Lovely.
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