Emma Thompson in Camilla and Marc for Saving Mr Banks Premier
In the same vein as Kristen Scott Thomas, Emma Thompson is a British actress that has long held my respect and can inspire real joy in me. She is just my best. One of those fantasy dinner companions that will always be on my list. Alongside Nick Cave, George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and Victoria Beckham, of course. She is busy promoting her new movie Saving Mr Banks, and the LA premier meant a new dress, new style. Very New York chic.
The black lace dress is by Camilla and Marc and it is very lovely in theory. Emma looks really good in it. Only it's not really HER to be fair. All a bit toned down and buffed up for the American audience — Emma is after all a bit of a British eccentric. But she looks as smart as anything and jolly well done. Love her. No uptight dress will come between us. Right?