Hailee Steinfeld in Louis Vuitton for Sixteenth Birthday
Can you remember what you wore for your 16th birthday? I can pretty much remember everything I wore in my life. I know, it's weird. But around my 16th birthday I was going through a bit of a 'homemade' phase. In other words, I spent the latter half of my teens making my own clothes and kissing lots of boys. So, bearing in mind it was the 80s, what I wore was verging on Madonna in the Desperately Seeking Susan phase. Cut off stockings as arms, tulle and lots of bits of cloth tied around my wrists. Whether or not you remember your own 16th birthday outfit, I am pretty sure neither you nor I ever considered a next-season Louis Vuitton shorts romper as an option for the party. That's right. Child actress Hailee Steinfeld wore exactly this to hers on the weekend. Seriously. That's how you actually spoil a child. I know it looks cute. But that's because it is a beautiful piece of clothing. But really I want to take both those Fanning kids and this Steinfeld and put them away somewhere until they are grown up. Then they can come out and play with the adults in the next-season fashions. Sorry.