I have to admit that I love tartan. It may be my maternal Scottish heritage. Or my dalliance with punk, back in the 80s. Or that a tartan mini kilt is one the sexiest garments a young woman can wear. Whatever the origins, I like it and now Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, has played it perfectly (for her) as she wore a green tartan Alexander McQueen dress to pay a visit to her old school.

Of course her hair was a tumbling mass of those dated curls that I have come to despise. But I am going to move past that and focus on the tartan dress with the full sleeve and swing skirt that hits just above the knee. Those wonderfully 60s-style hip details, that makes the dress look a little like a jacket and skirt, are great and give just the right amount of figure definition for Kate, together with the custom puff sleeve.

If you recall Marion Cotillard wore this dress with a different- shorter — sleeve and shoulder, just a few weeks ago. I may have liked that version a bit more, but in the chill of the English countryside – and to avoid having to wears yet ANOTHER coat – Kate’s choice is definitely more appropriate and is a great choice. Yay.

It’s a pity that Kate is still wearing those dreadful suede knee boots from about ten years ago. I mean not even Pippa is still wearing those, is she? But they must be super-comfortable as K-Middy managed to play a bit of hockey with the kids wearing them. Who knew?