Ewa Sonnet Love

Help. Magazine Covers That Confuse...
Let's begin as we mean to continue this year — with balance. Today I have loved, now I must ask, "what the hell is this all about?" Of course I am referring to the new inexplicable trend for magazines to take their cover stars' hair and arrange it artfully over their shoulders — spreading it out as far as possible — in the manner of spaniel ears. I just don't get it.
It is the Americans. First with Jessica Biel on the cover of Elle Magazine — styled by Joe Zee. Seriously? No, come on, I thought this was a bit of a joke. But then Harpers Bazaar (although to be fair it was only the American one) did the exact same thing with Jennifer Lopez and her glossy mane.
Can someone help me understand this trend? I think it looks uncomfortably hot. Also, like a spaniel as I already mentioned. And not pretty. Right? Stop it right now! Thank you.
Idle Talk: