One of the best lessons one will ever learn in attempting to attain good style, is what does and doesn't work for you. For example busty women quickly work out that a straight-across strapless dress is not our friend due to the fact that it makes our boobs look like a shelf. And by putting a strong horizontal across a wider part of our torso, we always land up looking disproportionally thick-set in the chest area. Oh well, there are plenty of other options. Also, those with a tendency to a shorter neck and (dare I say) slight double chin, like me, know that a necklace that sits at the base of the neck is cruel and it shortens the neck. We learn to play up our assets. A skirt that sits just on the knee is kind to good calves and ankles — and disguises heavier thighs. It hides the bits that flesh out when, for example, sitting down.
And so even when the dress is cool and edgy and so very 'now', in the colour of the year — emerald green — and designed by Lanvin, it is only going to work if that is in the style that suits you. We all know that, right? We all work that out pretty quickly. Just not, apparently, if we are Mariah Carey. I am so sorry lady. You need an honest girlfriend. Or a gay. Or someone who will actually tell you the truth. And yet the colour is so pretty on you. What a pity.