Ewa Sonnet Love

Lena Dunham Does a Bit Better in Reed Krakoff
I am going to state the following facts. And some facts that border on my opinion:
1. Lena Dunham is wearing a dress that doesn't fit her terribly well. But it fits better than the last four or five dresses she has worn.
2. Lena Dunham is marching to the beat of her own fashion drummer.
3. Lena Dunham is wearing Reed Krakoff. Both the dress and the shoes.
4. I know that Lena Dunham likes to wear a strapless silhouette as it shows off her tattoos. But I think that on balance it is ill-advised and she could do better in a more flattering dress shape.
5. Lena Dunham must hold onto her hair and make-up person from this event. Her face looks flawless. Still filled with character, but definitely pretty. Actually I think she looks beautiful.
What do you guys think?
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