Ewa Sonnet Love
You cannot avoid the pale beauty of Lupita Nyong'o's dress. It was Prada. And that headband was, to quote Kelly and Guilanna, "EVERYTHING". It was that. Of course I wish I didn't see her sternum quite so prominently, but the over-all look is utterly beautiful. Although totally trumped my Kate Hudson and the fact that SHE WON!!!! *Happy tears*
Also in pale loveliness was Kerry Washington in maternity style. This dress was by Jason Wu and at first I hated it (first picture) — it just looked like a pale purple satin tent with a weird pin in it. Then I saw the second image and I decided that I loved it. The colour on her is exceptional — as is her hair and make-up by the way. But seriously. WHAT STYLIST DRESSED HER? Why didn't they just steam the damn dress all the way down? Basics, people, basics.
And finally, almost in all pale, was the mighty Meryl Streep. She wore Lanvin. And looked just wonderful. Modern, cool, elegant, age-appropriate and beautiful. Of course only the top is pale...