There is really nothing to fault this. Well, maybe the fastening on the ribbon at the back could have been prettier. But that is nit picking. It is after all custom made Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen, Kate's go to girl for big matches, so to speak.

I love that Kate has changed her eye makeup style (eventually). It makes her eyes look so much bigger and more beautiful and softens her very pretty, but rather slim, face.

She had a riot of a time with her husband and brother in law all day long. Genuinely seeming to enjoy their company and the whole spectacle of the thing. I know that she is not a naturally cynical girl (after all she married a prince), but really it is impressive how joyful she is about it all. All the time. I am starting to think I want to hang out with her. She seems so much fun. Right?

The rest of the key royals also looked wonderful. Camilla wore gold which was lovely on her. I like her a bit more dramatic. It suits her personality a bit more than the demure beige.

And HRH The Queen was just a delight again in her Angela Kelly silk dress and coat and that studded hat of joy and tradition. What I liked was the South African touch. That GIGANTIC diamond brooch was made from the Cullinan diamond and was her rather priceless nod to her commonwealth nations who have all enjoyed watching this jubilee spectacle from afar.

Then there were some other glamorous — lower ranking — royals in attendance whose dresses were a delight. Lady Helen Windsor is always elegant. I am assuming this is Erdem who she wears a lot. Sophie Wessex looked fantastic in her navy custom skirt and jacket. Shame. She used to be the best dressed of the royals until Kate came along and stole the show. Still. Good effort. And Sophie Winkelman, married to Freddie Windsor, was a treat in her cream laser cut dress and very British beauty.
Great show all round really. I loved it. I am going to miss the daily show from the Windsors. Bye.