Ewa Sonnet Love

Keira Knightly in Valentino. Again. Even Better.
Keira Knightly has recently shown her style hand, turning to Valentino each time she has an important promotional event. And what is not to like about that? We too love a bit of Valentino. Especially when it suits the person so perfectly, like it does Keira.
She was promoting her new film with a complicated name — Seeking a Friend for the End of the World - and turned up in this rather glorious Valentino Fall 2012 dress and the most gorgeous red wire hair accessory (remember Emma Stone wore a gold on in Moscow on the weekend — one more spotting and we have a trend.)
This is the self same dress that was walked down the runway by the current face of Valentino, SA schoolgirl Katryn Kruger. Awesome.
Idle Talk: