Ewa Sonnet Love

Cate Blanchett in Balenciaga and Altuzarra for Blue Jasmine Promotions
You have no idea how much I admire and respect Cate Blanchett. I think that she is amazing. And unspeakably beautiful. You know when you sit around and have those conversations about who you think is truly beautiful — Cate Blanchett is always on my list. It's as much from the inside as from the outside. Talent, intelligence, responsibility, kindness are all qualities in her I admire.
And that may well influence my opinion of her style. Which I love. It is always challenging and right at the edge of normal. This pale pink, feathered and jewelled Balenciaga dress that she wore last night to the New York screening of her new movie, Blue Jasmine, is no different. In fact I may actually like this more than most. Of course the proportions are all askew. But she can carry it. And when it comes down to it, it is just so very pretty.
Earlier in the day Cate had popped off to do Letterman. For the TV appearance she wore an Altuzarra little black dress with a studded heel. Classy. Serene. Professional. More qualities in her I like. Do you?
Idle Talk: