The David Tlale show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Cape Town this weekend was spectacular. And by this I don't mean the whole kerfuffle around the secret venue and the clandestine transportation in luxury vehicles to the unfinished road in downtown Cape Town. No. I mean the collection was spectacular. And to be fair the Burundian drummers were pretty awesome too.
It was entirely men's wear with the exception of the final look. This was unnecessary. With clothing this well tailored, this innovative, this exciting — there was no need to be worrying about who would be wearing it. Let's be honest, David has always played with gender roles in his work, this collection being no different. So who cares that it was men's wear? I am quite sure he would happily fit something for me should I decide to select something from the collection.
It was a cohesive collection, parading down the sizzling hot road with the utter mastery of run-of-show that David has always known how to do. What was different about this collection was that it had no fillers, no palette cleansers. It was bullseye after bullseye after bullseye. Swishing effortlessly between cropped little shorts suits and flowing deconstructed shirts, with nary an explanation needed. What was different about this collection was that it was GOOD (yes, all capitals), following from his last really, really GOOD collection. Back to back. No slips. POW. This is why David is the King. Not because I called him that once as he sat on his throne presiding over a over egged collection of evening gowns. But because he is masterful. He is in charge of this situation. He rules. I just have one request. Please can we outlaw all satin trousers in all forms for all people for ever and ever and ever. That's it. Thanks. Take a bow. All photos courtesy of SDR Photo