Ewa Sonnet Love

Victoria Beckham Edits GLAMOUR UK Fashion Issue 2012
While husband David is off driving speed boats down the Thames, watching football and generally looking delicious, his hard-working wife Victoria Beckham (Vicky B to me), is busy developing her career. This time as the guest editor of fashion magazine GLAMOUR — especially for their 2012 Fashion Issue.
There are actually two cover options — one of which sees Vicky in the bath covered only in bubbles — with her tiara — as queen of fashion of course — atop her hair and diamonds on her wrists. That's it. I never want to hear any of you deny her sense of self-deprecating humour ever again. Love this.
Vicky hams herself up through the inside spread too. Obviously wearing Victoria Beckham dresses while she does so.
Yesterday she also published a fun picture that hadn't made it to the spread, on her Twitter. Love the VB belt. And balls of course. If I had been shooting the story I would have made all of them golden. Just saying ;)
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