Who doesn't love Dame Judy Dench? At the ripe old age of 78, the dame is still working, still looking spectacular, still having a complete ball every time she steps out onto a red carpet or at a photo call. Quite aside from the fact that she is a brilliantly talented actress who has moved us to laughter and tears over the years of her performances, she also just seems like an awesome person to hang out with. She was in Venice this weekend for the film festival where she was promoting her new movie, Philomena.
For the premier, she stuck to her usual style of a beaded floor-length coat dress. She added some pretty diamonds, jazzed up her cropped white hair (love it) and looked a million bucks. This is a triumph of style over fashion, and us in the business need to remember this every so often.
I can't bear crumpled linen, in the main. At the photo call for the movie, Dame Judy wore a selected of cotton and linen pieces that she managed to make work in her own inimitable way. She looks relaxed, sunny, perfectly appropriate and very lovely. And whilst I would really love to have the sexiness of Dame Helen Mirren in my older years, I will happily settle for the elegance and prettiness of Dame Judy. I mean the girl is having a hoot. Bring it.